So you thought of yourself as a world traveler back in those carefree single days?? Well so did I and then I adopted a little girl and it all came to a screeching halt. I now spent more time preparing to go to the grocery store than I spent prepping for my last international trip. Not that I wasn't loving it, but it was an adjustment. I managed to sneak one trip into Mexico when Jas was 2 because we had 3 adults (love the grandparents!) to wrangle one quick moving baby.
But the wanderlust has set in and Jas is finally old enough to hit the road with me. I'm not sure what to expect but the one thing I do expect is that traveling with a preschooler will be WAY different than traveling by myself. I expect we will go slower and take shorter trips, oh and I guess those late nights out at the bars won't be happening. But I hope that traveling with a preschooler will open doors to places and experiences I would never have without her. And that is pretty exciting.
We are headed to Indonesia for 6 weeks leaving in Dec and returning in February. Jasmine will be 3, just about to turn 4. This trip is our kickoff, practise a long trip trip. We fly into Jakarta and are planning on visiting Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gillis.