Ready to go on my first big Trip! |
Hi Everyone,
Well we finally made it to Indonesia after an overnight layover in Korea. And I did one of the smartest things I have ever done and pre-booked a hotel with a courtesy shuttle in Korea. Zip Zip Airport to hotel to Airport.
When I travel I normally shift to the new time on the plane and do my best to stick to it. Makes the jetlag go faster. But apparently a 3 yo keeps sleeping on the old schedule and just melts down when you try to change their schedule.
On the airplane. In front of 500 strangers. Who don't speak your language. Everyone should experience it.
So 3 days later we are still wide awake at 3 am and crashed at 6 pm.
But finally made it to Jakarta in a POURING rainstorm. Since I picked a hotel at random (ie by price) it of course was now way over priced and a shit hole. But since it was raining so hard we took it. And I happily tipped the guy 10000Rp ($1)who carried Jas the 500ft to the entrance under his umbrella. I have since learned that rain apparently melts my child, thus it is necessary to scream and cry when any gets on you. So we left right away the next morning, putting the congested mess that is Jakarta in the rear view mirror.
On the 28th Dec we took an 8 hr train to Yogyakarta. It was a lovely way to see the countryside, which is rice paddies and water buffalos. Yogyakarta is a typically busy crazy Java city, but we are staying in a cute little place with a pool and a quiet courtyard. Today is a rest day, which is SOOOO needed. We walked around a bit, when to the Palace (so not impressive). Although I have never had my picture taken by so many people. Apparently a big white woman with a small asian child is picture worthy. To the point Jas was freaking out and I had to say no more pictures.
Weather is hot and humid and rainy part of the day (late afternoons). I don't mind being hot, in fact I am lovin' it. I've almost forgotten what it feels like to not be cold all the time.
Tomorrow we head to the ancient temple at Borobordur. I booked a tour, since I am discovering that we definitely need to travel a little less hard core when you might end up carrying an extra 30 lbs of sleeping child.
Jas at the Palace in Yogyakarta. |